
New Zealand raises Minimum wage to increase to $21.20 from April


Teachers are done

I have a little sister who is still in the K-12 system. As such, I have kept myself informed about the situation at her school district since COVID began. Yesterday, I watched a public board meeting where teachers were crying and begging for a raise. As of this school year, there are 40 teacher vacancies throughout the district. As such, teachers are being forced to give up release time in order to cover for those vacancies….Because there are also no substitutes applying. This means that now more than ever, teachers are spending more personal time doing work stuff. All at the same pay rate, which mind you, hasn't seen an increase in over a decade. On top of this, the district's pressure to bring students back on track to meet standards is ever increasing. Teachers are getting burnt out and looking for employment elsewhere… Yet, the district is reluctant to…


Advertising email I received at work mentions this sub! (r/anti work)


Training for target says a guest can leave their bag, get mad at the cashier for their own mistake, give the service desk attitude, and then receive a discount… for their own mistake.


We, the Laborers, in order to form a more perfect union…


Get ready, conservatives say it’s gonna trickle down real soon!


ex-boss “Do you blame me for your health situation?”

35, male, idiot. Took me a long time to find a career path that i actually liked ( due to various reasons) and I applied to a Digital marketing agency when I was 28. Low position, minimum wage (around 700€) but i wanted to learn, since i was very interested. Due to my upbringing and personal issues, I also struggled with saying 'no' to any request, along with me being an overachiever. The whole vibe in the company was “we are a family, loyalty for ever, dedication will be rewarded”…. . Boss was a serial entrepreneur and he basically kept on loading more and more work on me, I accepted without complaint. From one project to another, i kept on working and performing, basically never a thank you from his side, just verbal abuse if stuff didn't go his way. I basically had to beg to get a moment monthly…


Working to die.


Hate it here


Harsh reality