
I just got $1.80 raise because my job knows I am looking for other jobs that pay higher.

I made 16.20 and hour. I turned down jobs that offered 26 an hour because I don't like 2nd shift. Which that job was. My job let's me go to interviews and I told them about electricians union I would be making 38 an hour in 5 years. The great thing about my current job is I live where I work….so zero travel. On my annual review a week ago I had high reviews from my supervisor and manager. I figured I might as well give it a shot and say on it that I want 2.50 an hour raise from inflation and good work ethic. I expected a 50 cent raise. I got my check today and now i am making 18 an hour. Maybe i should of asked for more lol? There is always next annual review I guess. I have gotten raises a lot from this job…


This Luigi’s mansion Jack O lantern


The Great Resignation is the worker’s / employee’s Journey of Awakening?


D.H. Lawrence saw it clearly


Scared as hell. Also mad.

The whole “we value all staff, everyone has a valuable contribution to make” shtick sounds really good until you're sat down in front of HR and senior leadership with carefully sad faces and told your position is being eliminated. “It's not a reflection of your work.” Well obviously it's not. I'm smart, have a ton of experience, worked damn hard and produced results. And I'm not the only one being sent on their merry way. I'm in my late 40s. I don't have the energy right now to start all over again. But here we are. It's all really such bullshit. I just needed to unload. Thanks for listening, companions in suffering.


Nearly 2/3 of the way through my career, I’ve discovered 1 immutable rule of organizations.

I have worked in web development for 25 years. I've worked for single employers, and I've worked in agencies (working with dozens of companies). I have interacted with decision makers at every level. The one conclusion I can make from all of that… Nobody knows what they're doing. The most successful companies are simply the ones who screw up the least. I'm sure if you spend 30 seconds thinking about it, you could come up with dozens of examples from your careers that brilliantly illustrate that point. In my current position I had tried to make things better. I cared too much. I tried to ensure that all of our data was correct despite being given garbage. I fought with other departments to get the right information. Railed against lack of procedure. All that led to was stress. I have since learned to listen the above rule. I can't get…


Illegally low wages below federal requirements, but what kills me about this borderline illiterate employer is they also say “Perfect English is a must”


Rhode Island AFL-CIO has proposed making wage theft a felony in the state!


Sad but true


BuT rIsInG oPeRaTiNg CosTs…