
What is your salary?

Try answering in the following format: • Field of work: e.g. nurse, mechanic • Country and region • Salary • Bonuses (if applicable) • Weekly expected work hours • Education • Years of experience in the field of work • Are you happy with your current employment and other comments


Fair market work for fair market pay


From 2019…oh boy…

Stumbled upon this article from Dec. 2019 today. Interesting read from todays' perspective. I feel like this is (part of) what has fueled all the rage about billionaires not paying a fair share of taxes. TCJA 2 Years later


[Joke] I bumped into the CEO of my company today while coming into the office.

He was getting out of his brand-new Lamborghini when I said: “Hey, that's a really cool car” He answered: “Thank you! If you work hard, apply yourself, and work extra hours, next year I might get another.”


How do I know if it’s me?

I loathe my job. And I actually like to work. I like to feel productive and social and I hate being idle. But the management is toxic. Very in to favoritism, cliques, passive-aggressive retaliation, no support whatsoever. The raises are minuscule with little hope for more. There’s constant push to work and achieve more, more, more, with no break or give. My current pay is so-so but there are good benefits. So my question is…how do you know when a job is worth it or when it’s too taxing on your mental health? I lie awake with anxiety thinking about being there and I feel miserable but I do have vacation time and insurance. So in this current climate, how do you decide if a job is worth it or not? Am I just being unappreciative?


Just got this in the group chat lmfao


It looks like how this world views people is busted. I’m am genuinely curious why people don’t utilize their greatest strength, numbers, to fix it.

Why do we accept being overworked is a problem so universally, yet fail to come together universally to fix it? I would genuinely like to know why you haven’t haven’t done more. I will lead with my reason. life is just comfortable enough to complain without being so uncomfortable as to make me change anything. I hope this post shows enough effort to avoid being called a shit poster.


It is a two way street. Time and skill in exchange for compensation.


New HR compares it’s therapist to overpaid dishwashers. Found this in a pediatric Occupational Therapist Facebook group. Not mine.


Got fired from a company that barely hired me and now new company is stringing me along.

I worked as a delivery driver because it save me access to a car which I wouldn't be able to afford otherwise and I needed to get my partner to work because we can't afford the commute. They charge me £200 a week for it out of my wages, I also didn't get anything for fuel either. They kept saying there wasn't work for me in the main depot so would send me across the country to places several hours away and have my first drop an hour from that. Then they change my hours for no reason so I was starting at noon but still had my 9 hour shift not including the 5 hour drive to get there and back because I couldn't afford to not take the work. Then there just wasn't any work and they had me poking two days a week, bearing in mind they…