
the American Oligarch!


Local breakfast joint in my city, unbelievable.


Annuncio lavoro – Lavorare quasi a gratis per un pseudo VIP 24/7/365? Come no!

Lo posto qui visto che su r/Italia è stato rimosso prima di neppure apparire. Bloody hell. Il movimento antilavoro deve prendere piede anche qui, già che gli stipendi sono fermi da oltre 10 anni e a quanto pare dobbiamo vivere per il lavoro e non il contrario, ci si mette anche qualche imbecille come questi sotto che ci prendono pienamente per i fondelli. Assistente personale del Ceo e tuttofare (località redacted) Ricerchiamo assistente personale e tuttofare PROFILO RICERCATO · Il candidato/a ideale ha esperienza come assistente personale e tuttofare · Un’esperienza di almeno 2 anni nel ruolo di jolly ed assistente personale · Capacità di gestire contemporaneamente attività organizzativa che attività personali · Flessibilità su orari e operatività Il ruolo prevede le seguenti responsabilità: · Organizzazione agenda del Ceo e Time management · Gestione corrispondenza e social del Ceo · Funzione di filtro fra le comunicazioni in ingresso ed in…


ACT’s pledge to reverse sick leave, pause minimum wage hikes, scrap extra public holiday and benefit boost (credit to u/The_Majestic_)


The Radonda Vaught case and my student loans: short story on why I don’t want to be a nurse anymore

Not only did I stupidly put myself into 6 figures worth of debt for nursing school, I now have to fear losing my license and landing in jail every time I administer a medication. I am already a walking liability because I have less experience due to Covid. Heck, I just found out today I can lose my nursing license if I don’t pay off my student loans. I know I don’t have much choice, I have sick parents to take care of, but damn. I am so unhappy. Not only nurses overworked and underpaid, the work environment is the most toxic shit you’ve seen in some places. I graduate next year. No hope for me to change to a different career and pay off my loans quick enough unfortunately. I am glad to be helping people but the fact I live in a city and a high interest rate…


Business school graduates are bad news for American employees, new report says


So much for a bonus

I saw my paystub for what I’m getting tomorrow. And it’s so disrespectful. It clearly shows I was supposed to get a bonus of $2,078.00 but with it being added to my regular check & being taxed together, my “bonus” literally only came out to $900.00 more than what my regular check should’ve been. And the worst part is who the fuck can I fight that with? Is that even something that can be fought? I am so mad right now and even more so because I know this is just gonna have to be something that I gotta eat & live with. 🤬


Workers stayed in their jobs for years. Now they want a change


Employers have always complained about workers demanding higher wages

I thought this excerpt from Marx might be of interest to this sub: “…the great plague…decimated the people, so that, as a Tory writer says, “The difficulty of getting men to work on reasonable terms (i.e., at a price that left their employers a reasonable quantity of surplus-labour) grew to such a height as to be quite intolerable.” ” This is Marx, writing in the late 1800s quoting a right wing politician from the same time. (In the UK Tory is slang for the right wing political party). And they're discussing a piece of legislation introduced in the 1300s! ​ Link to the full text here:


March 30: I find ways of uniting with anyone on the side of working class revolution… even if we don’t agree on the specifics topics.