
Part of an abused offshore team

I'm sure some of you in the corporate world know about companies hiring offshore teams. Like a US tech company hiring a team of people in India because the pay is significantly cheaper. So this is my case and it's getting annoying. I'm in a third world country and part of an offshore team supporting a department that is located in the US. The pay is above average locally, but our US counterparts still earn about 5x more (or more) – and they're not (most of them, not all) as smart, productive or hardworking as our team. They've decided to pass onto us a lot of the high volume, tedious tasks and expect us to quickly do them like robots. It's quite frustrating with all their demands and corporatespeak (“gentle nudge”, “thank you for your partnership”) when really all I hear is: “quick, do it you slaves!” Because it's kind…

I'm sure some of you in the corporate world know about companies hiring offshore teams. Like a US tech company hiring a team of people in India because the pay is significantly cheaper. So this is my case and it's getting annoying. I'm in a third world country and part of an offshore team supporting a department that is located in the US. The pay is above average locally, but our US counterparts still earn about 5x more (or more) – and they're not (most of them, not all) as smart, productive or hardworking as our team. They've decided to pass onto us a lot of the high volume, tedious tasks and expect us to quickly do them like robots. It's quite frustrating with all their demands and corporatespeak (“gentle nudge”, “thank you for your partnership”) when really all I hear is: “quick, do it you slaves!” Because it's kind of what it feels like. They treat us like robots.

And they're so–sorry for the term–stupid sometimes, doing unnecessary things that make the processes inefficient. Fucking things up and then involving us to fix their mess. Passing onto us tasks that they should be doing themselves. Sometimes I wonder what their team is doing because I swear they just make us do everything for them. And with the wage gap between our teams, it grinds my gears.

It's getting more and more intense each day, especially now that it's almost the end of the year. I'm hoping to leave as soon as I find a new job.

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