
Partner has worked Mon-Saturday for about a year at their new job and the person they fired for stealing the company card, is making more than him now.

Yes, this place rehired this person. This person stole the company credit card and used over $1,000 on it. I guess this person got a text one day from the boss saying basically “you want your job back?” And guess what! They hired him back on and he’s making more than my partner. Who’s literally worked Monday-Saturday for basically a YEAR straight. Hitting overtime every week. Has only took 3 planned PTO days and has called out due to sickness maybe 3 times. The boss gave my partner 2 “raises” and it’s still not the same as what his co worker is making. Both have the same credentials and have the same amount of experience. And are doing the same job. My partner also walked into work today, saw everyone was in a good mood because it was gonna be a “easy” day, but noticed when he saw his work…

Yes, this place rehired this person. This person stole the company credit card and used over $1,000 on it. I guess this person got a text one day from the boss saying basically “you want your job back?”

And guess what! They hired him back on and he’s making more than my partner.

Who’s literally worked Monday-Saturday for basically a YEAR straight. Hitting overtime every week. Has only took 3 planned PTO days and has called out due to sickness maybe 3 times.

The boss gave my partner 2 “raises” and it’s still not the same as what his co worker is making.

Both have the same credentials and have the same amount of experience. And are doing the same job.

My partner also walked into work today, saw everyone was in a good mood because it was gonna be a “easy” day, but noticed when he saw his work for the day that for him – it was gonna be a 13+ hour day.

Everyone else is leaving earlier. And when this happens, the co workers are supposed to grab a few packages to help out,
because my partner has been getting handed his co workers “extra” packages for the whole time he’s been working.

Well he asked his other co worker who had WAY less then him and also had the co worker who stole riding with him to take ONE package.

This co worker ended up leaving it on a table and now my partner will get in trouble for that.

I think he’s getting walked on and used. His co workers obviously think he’s easy to step on.

I feel so bad! Why is he doing his stops alone with triple the amount but his co worker who will be done in under 3 hours has someone with him? Why is he the only one with that much and no one is helping with the extras?

He literally couldn’t have brought that ONE package if he wanted to. It didn’t fit. It’s insane how dirty bosses will do their employees.

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