
Passed up for a promotion

I’m not sure if I’m justified in my aggravation or not so help me out. I started with my company as the lowest level manager about a year and a half ago, the position was titled asm2. I was promoted when the next highest manager (asm1) quit. Shortly after that my general manager was moved to another location. I’ve been running my store with only one other employee for about two months. Long work days, working on my days off, taking on responsibilities that I’m not being paid for, and so on. I was told that the goal was to get me to the GM position and had several other managers and employees tell me that I deserved the position. I applied for the GM position once it was posted and it was never even acknowledged by upper management. no interview, no phone call, nothing. I find out that the…

I’m not sure if I’m justified in my aggravation or not so help me out. I started with my company as the lowest level manager about a year and a half ago, the position was titled asm2. I was promoted when the next highest manager (asm1) quit. Shortly after that my general manager was moved to another location. I’ve been running my store with only one other employee for about two months. Long work days, working on my days off, taking on responsibilities that I’m not being paid for, and so on. I was told that the goal was to get me to the GM position and had several other managers and employees tell me that I deserved the position. I applied for the GM position once it was posted and it was never even acknowledged by upper management. no interview, no phone call, nothing. I find out that the position was offered to an employee from out of state because it was announced on a conference call. That’s how I found out I didn’t get the job. I was told after the fact that it was because I was promoted too recently. The exact words were that I needed to “grow into the asm1 roll first”. I am incredibly aggravated by this decision but part of me feels like I shouldn’t be. Is that just that corporate brainwashing making me feel this way? Am I justified in my aggravation or am I over reacting? Because at this point I can’t tell.

Excuse the rant but I’ve been steaming over this for a while.

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