
Passive aggressive boss finally honed in on me

I'm a gardener that works for a small design company. I was out for two and a half weeks with Covid and when I came back I found out they had a meeting without me and cut my hours in half. Today they wanted me to train new employees on some of my basic duties. It definitely felt like they were getting ready to oust me so I quit on my own. Womp Womp. I don't know how I'm going to recover financially after this debacle. I know so many people have it worse, but no workers should be treated as dispensable. Just needed a vent. Thanks.

I'm a gardener that works for a small design company. I was out for two and a half weeks with Covid and when I came back I found out they had a meeting without me and cut my hours in half. Today they wanted me to train new employees on some of my basic duties. It definitely felt like they were getting ready to oust me so I quit on my own. Womp Womp. I don't know how I'm going to recover financially after this debacle. I know so many people have it worse, but no workers should be treated as dispensable. Just needed a vent. Thanks.

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