
Pay Raise Cancelled Our By Increased Healthcare Premiums

This is the second year in a row where my end of year pay raise has been more or less negated by the company's health insurance premiums increasing drastically (while still being cheaper than if I got insurance outside of this job) resulting in getting paid the exact same amount every paycheck. I have a health condition that requires plans with low deductibles so I can't really skimp out on the low cost high deductible plans, though they aren't really much cheaper either. I plan to jump ship as soon as I get something better, but I wanted to vent the frustration and was wondering if other people have had this issue too.

This is the second year in a row where my end of year pay raise has been more or less negated by the company's health insurance premiums increasing drastically (while still being cheaper than if I got insurance outside of this job) resulting in getting paid the exact same amount every paycheck. I have a health condition that requires plans with low deductibles so I can't really skimp out on the low cost high deductible plans, though they aren't really much cheaper either.

I plan to jump ship as soon as I get something better, but I wanted to vent the frustration and was wondering if other people have had this issue too.

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