
People are so fucking awful for no reason

Edit: RANT 16F work at fast food that sells tacos. Today was absolutely horrible and I will be putting in my two weeks next week. I'm drained (but also moving–I'd still quit regardless because I literally work 5 days a week) People are awful regardless but these two instances pissed me off like a lot. 1st lady took forever to fucking order, could not figure out wtf she wanted and the thing is with fast food at least where I work, we make it as you order and she kept changing it and thus making us waste food. She had the nerve to get mad at me for continuously asking if her order was correct as if she wasn't indecisive as hell. Got to the window and cursed me out. Also was a massive bitch, snatched her food and left. 2nd Lady kept ordering things at the window and holding…

Edit: RANT

16F work at fast food that sells tacos. Today was absolutely horrible and I will be putting in my two weeks next week. I'm drained (but also moving–I'd still quit regardless because I literally work 5 days a week) People are awful regardless but these two instances pissed me off like a lot.

1st lady took forever to fucking order, could not figure out wtf she wanted and the thing is with fast food at least where I work, we make it as you order and she kept changing it and thus making us waste food. She had the nerve to get mad at me for continuously asking if her order was correct as if she wasn't indecisive as hell. Got to the window and cursed me out. Also was a massive bitch, snatched her food and left.

2nd Lady kept ordering things at the window and holding up the line, on purpose to try and get free shit. She asked for 1 side, I give it to her and asks for another and when I'm looking obviously frustrated she says “oh you didn't hear me.”(she litterally said 1 side of x item) I let it slide . she did this 3 different times.Then she orders a drink and I hand it to her and she says “I wanted the freeze version.” Which is like a dollar and few cents price difference so I know she did it on purpose because she never said freeze, she said a fountain drink. I think she expected me to hand her the drink and the freeze because once you give a customer an order you can't take it back, but like come on. Not to mention how inconsiderate it is to be ordering one thing at a time once handed an item, should've done it all at once. I also know she was doing it on purpose because her and her friends were laughing. So fuck them.

These are small things but overtime it builds up and the small things people do really ruin your day and perception of people. I hate the way I'm treated on a daily basis, it makes me sad and angry and makes me appreciate service workers every single day honestly. I'm tired of getting cursed out,yelled at, looked down upon and low key sexually harassed on the job. My coworkers are the only people who make work better, I hate customers and I hope they shit on the toilet all night with the amount of cheesy shit they put into their bodies. I can talk to no one about this except my cousin lol and it feels nice to just rant and write it all down.

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