
People don’t leave bad jobs, They leave bad managers.

I have been with the company I'm at for about a year now. The company itself is not that bad in the scheme of things. They mostly look after the workers, the facilities are reasonable and we are not overworked. My direct manager however has a major attitude problem in regards to how he views himself. He is an angry, negative, pathetic, narcissistic old man with zero people skills and zero previous management experience. We can not figure out what he does all day when we mostly do his job for him. He has horrible organization skills and we end up having to order parts, organize sub contractors and plan upcoming work tasks our self. Yet when we do this he is not happy as he is not in control of it and this makes him angry. He likes to play us off against the other managers and divert the…

I have been with the company I'm at for about a year now. The company itself is not that bad in the scheme of things. They mostly look after the workers, the facilities are reasonable and we are not overworked. My direct manager however has a major attitude problem in regards to how he views himself. He is an angry, negative, pathetic, narcissistic old man with zero people skills and zero previous management experience. We can not figure out what he does all day when we mostly do his job for him. He has horrible organization skills and we end up having to order parts, organize sub contractors and plan upcoming work tasks our self. Yet when we do this he is not happy as he is not in control of it and this makes him angry. He likes to play us off against the other managers and divert the blame from him to us when these things inevitably go wrong due to his lack of planning, yet he will never admit he is at fault. Anyway I stuck around for while before this started to get the better of me and I started looking for a new gig. I found and got offered one last week which includes a reasonable raise. I notified my current boss of my intent to resign through a phone call and follow up email last Friday. On the phone call which was very short he sounded shocked and angry which I expected. He said we would need to set up a meeting to discuss this, I said that was fine expecting nothing to come of it. He has now sent me a calendar meeting with him and his boss for later on this week for what he has labeled a “Work Discussion”. I know exactly what this is about and it will be an interrogation and 20 question session about why I want to leave and where I am going etc. None of this is his business and I don't feel as though I owe him an explanation. Luckily we are members of the union and I have sent the meeting details on the union rep so that he can sit on on the meeting to ensure it is all above board. This will aggravate him further as someone else will be listening in on his question session and he will claim I am just being difficult by requesting this. I am going to refuse to have the meeting or answer any questions until the union rep is present. All I wanted was to work out my notice period and then head off to better things. Yet another reason to just ghost and not give notice . To satisfy his own butthurt ego he has to try and “understand” why he can't retain staff members, Fuck him and fuck all the other bad managers, you are the reason why people leave jobs.

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