
People need to talk about purchase strikes.

I've seen countless posts on how not enough people have the means to survive not going to work. Millions live paycheck to paycheck and so for them it isn't an option. But what could be a better solution than organizing a full week or two of not shopping? Only buying the essentials you need to survive. No new, expensive clothes, no going out to eat, no movies, no sodas and snacks, etc. If you really want, do research on what food companies may have contributed to the pro birth movement and avoid them for other brands. I'm not a leader and as much as I'd love to organize this myself I have no clue how to, but I just want to put out an idea of purchase strikes starting next week. It takes 11 days to damage the economy? How about a two or even three week purchase strike? Let's…

I've seen countless posts on how not enough people have the means to survive not going to work. Millions live paycheck to paycheck and so for them it isn't an option.

But what could be a better solution than organizing a full week or two of not shopping? Only buying the essentials you need to survive. No new, expensive clothes, no going out to eat, no movies, no sodas and snacks, etc. If you really want, do research on what food companies may have contributed to the pro birth movement and avoid them for other brands.

I'm not a leader and as much as I'd love to organize this myself I have no clue how to, but I just want to put out an idea of purchase strikes starting next week. It takes 11 days to damage the economy? How about a two or even three week purchase strike?

Let's face it, too many of us (me included) need to go to work. Those who can may strike their place of employment, but I can imagine refusing to support businesses all over can lead to some kind of change instead of last minute notice work strikes that fall flat due to us being held hostage by the system.

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