
People pleasers in the work place

So I’ve never posted here, but I think it’s time.. First, some back story; I’ve been working for a regional pool and recreation company for the last year, working as their lead chemical (pools and hot tubs) salesperson for a year. I was named “rookie of the year” at our end of year banquet, and given 2 (small) raises while there. I was praised for my work. Well around May, the work load was starting to be too much, I was taking care of all the inventory, selling, and educating in my department, I had reached my “cap” for my position, and they were bringing in another guy from another store to completely change my entire department. I’d had enough and put in my notice. They let me leave before my two weeks were up but a few days after leaving, the regional manager called and essentially begged me to…

So I’ve never posted here, but I think it’s time..
First, some back story; I’ve been working for a regional pool and recreation company for the last year, working as their lead chemical (pools and hot tubs) salesperson for a year. I was named “rookie of the year” at our end of year banquet, and given 2 (small) raises while there. I was praised for my work.
Well around May, the work load was starting to be too much, I was taking care of all the inventory, selling, and educating in my department, I had reached my “cap” for my position, and they were bringing in another guy from another store to completely change my entire department.
I’d had enough and put in my notice. They let me leave before my two weeks were up but a few days after leaving, the regional manager called and essentially begged me to stay with the company, told me the ceo was upset I was gone blah blah blah.
I am a people pleaser to a fault, so it was nice to feel wanted..
Well they basically offered me another, better position. No selling, better pay, etc.
In our meeting, the COO asked what I needed pay-wise to be comfortable and not worried about finances. I told him my number and he and another person agreed that that was pretty standard starting out in this position.
3.5 weeks go by, I haven’t started yet. I am so broke at this point, because they said it was supposed to be 4 days.
Finally!! They give me a start date and I’m expected to drive 4 hours away to be put up in a hotel for 3 days to shadow someone in my position.
& when I get there, they finally send me the offer letter.
And it’s the hourly I had before I left..
Not even close to what we discussed.
I bring it up to my new boss, and he comes back to me saying they can’t change anything now. And that once I’m done training, and are on my own, I’d get the raise….
Is this right?? I’m so frustrated but had no other choice but to accept because I’ve now been out of work for a month.

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