
people suck..just feel like ranting

I recently found out that a former client hired a bunch of my colleagues after our office closed down last year. This same person denied my request on LinkedIn in as well. I'm not sure what I could have done to piss her off but I brought more business for her than anyone else. It just kind of sucks that I had to pound the pavement for months while others were given cushy jobs instantaneously. The corporate world is the worst….

I recently found out that a former client hired a bunch of my colleagues after our office closed down last year. This same person denied my request on LinkedIn in as well. I'm not sure what I could have done to piss her off but I brought more business for her than anyone else. It just kind of sucks that I had to pound the pavement for months while others were given cushy jobs instantaneously. The corporate world is the worst….

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