
People talk about quiet quitting, but nobody discusses quiet firing.

This is the scenario I'm in at work: I work at a hospital as basically a COVID screener/receptionist/gopher. My position is the definition of redundant, considering actual clerical staff and unpaid volunteers can do our job just as easily. Recently, management has been making hare-brained decisions about scheduling. One of my co-workers is scheduled to work 12 hours Fri-Sun, another has to work 10 hours Monday-Thurs, in four month blocks; previously, shifts alternated every two weeks. On top of that, we are one of the only positions in the hospital that doesn't get any holidays (most other positions get alternating holidays off each year, e.g. you work Thanksgiving, you don't work on Christmas, and vice-versa the next year) and we were all told that our shifts were extended by half an hour. Over half of the people in my position have quit or gone on PRN (scheduled as needed) status…

This is the scenario I'm in at work: I work at a hospital as basically a COVID screener/receptionist/gopher. My position is the definition of redundant, considering actual clerical staff and unpaid volunteers can do our job just as easily.

Recently, management has been making hare-brained decisions about scheduling. One of my co-workers is scheduled to work 12 hours Fri-Sun, another has to work 10 hours Monday-Thurs, in four month blocks; previously, shifts alternated every two weeks. On top of that, we are one of the only positions in the hospital that doesn't get any holidays (most other positions get alternating holidays off each year, e.g. you work Thanksgiving, you don't work on Christmas, and vice-versa the next year) and we were all told that our shifts were extended by half an hour.

Over half of the people in my position have quit or gone on PRN (scheduled as needed) status because of the way they're messing with the schedule, and I can't help but wonder if that's the intent: basically forcing us to quit vs eliminating the position and laying us off so we don't collect unemployment.

I feel like the phenomenon of fucking with your employees so that they resign as opposed to actively firing them is way more common than most people think, and I don't really see people discuss it.

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