
People who celebrate when someone worked till their dying day make me sick.

Like don't get me wrong if that's what they wanted, cool to them. But when someone has to work while handling cancer it blows me away. Maybe I only think this way because I only work physical labor jobs. And if someone is a receptionist they could possibly perform their job without too much suffrage. But at the same time they have cancer, like they don't know if they're going to live, and we're just going to make them work till they die or don't? When will we actually take care of sick people instead of requiring more from them.

Like don't get me wrong if that's what they wanted, cool to them. But when someone has to work while handling cancer it blows me away. Maybe I only think this way because I only work physical labor jobs. And if someone is a receptionist they could possibly perform their job without too much suffrage. But at the same time they have cancer, like they don't know if they're going to live, and we're just going to make them work till they die or don't? When will we actually take care of sick people instead of requiring more from them.

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