
Percent of company profits paid to workers should be the number one metic people should focus on nowadays

This is the best metric to see how much a company is taking away and the more we demand it the more it will be a normalized statistic that people will demand from every company. Even in corporations where the workers are professional athletes like in the major league sports, the players only take home roughly 50% of the profit. In the health industry this can range from 30-40% for doctors. We need to demand to know what percent of the profit we produce for a company.

This is the best metric to see how much a company is taking away and the more we demand it the more it will be a normalized statistic that people will demand from every company.

Even in corporations where the workers are professional athletes like in the major league sports, the players only take home roughly 50% of the profit. In the health industry this can range from 30-40% for doctors.

We need to demand to know what percent of the profit we produce for a company.

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