
Perform more due diligence than I did with my current job – vet that shit out of a place before you commit!

I took on a new job a month ago, leaving behind a toxic workplace in hopes of finding a place I could settle down with in a safer area with more pay and a private office. Now I'm wishing I didn't leave the old job and just put up with garbage treatment for another 6 months until I found another position. ​ Within the last year, the company I went to work for – specifically the department I joined – lost 9 people due to low morale and a terrible manager. What is left is dysfunctional “at best”. There are multiple individuals who have either reached or surpassed retirement age, and they have openly discussed calling it quits within the next six months to a year. They claim they don't have to work. Once they leave, there is NO ONE that knows how to do the job they do. They…

I took on a new job a month ago, leaving behind a toxic workplace in hopes of finding a place I could settle down with in a safer area with more pay and a private office. Now I'm wishing I didn't leave the old job and just put up with garbage treatment for another 6 months until I found another position.

  1. Within the last year, the company I went to work for – specifically the department I joined – lost 9 people due to low morale and a terrible manager. What is left is dysfunctional “at best”.
  2. There are multiple individuals who have either reached or surpassed retirement age, and they have openly discussed calling it quits within the next six months to a year. They claim they don't have to work. Once they leave, there is NO ONE that knows how to do the job they do.
  3. They won't train me on what they do for fear I'm going to take it from them. I have had inconsistent training and feel like I've been taken for a ride considering what I was told versus the harsh reality.

I am actively looking for a new job at this point. I'm so fucking disappointed in myself and hate the fact that I can't just quit today or stop showing up tomorrow while I find a new job. If I had just done more on top of my research about the new company, asked more probing questions in the interview, and taken the red flags within the first week more seriously – I wouldn't be in this situation.

No, I don't have a nest egg to pull from – an emergency fund to cover the next 6 months of expenses or anything like that. My wife works, but I carry the medical insurance. The plan is to research places more carefully than I did and invite some of my trusted peers to look into the particulars of each offer (if I get multiple) to weed out the best option. I'm just hoping I make it to an offer before I get fed up (and quit) or get fired.

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