
Performance review – too quiet?

Long time lurker first time poster. I recently had performance review season at my company – first one for me as it’s my first job post college. Feedback was mostly good – about 7 or 8 things mentioned im doing well at. However for negative feedback I was told I was too quiet and reserved and this was something I need to improve on. Thing that annoys me is that in our 40 minute meeting my manager spoke for about 15 minutes about the positive things and she spent the rest of the time talking on the negative point. I was given a ranking in the bottom 5% for this category which I really feel I don’t deserve. This also wasn’t mentioned to me prior to my performance review. Personally I do consider myself to be an extrovert, however I was in a team that was made up of middle…

Long time lurker first time poster. I recently had performance review season at my company – first one for me as it’s my first job post college. Feedback was mostly good – about 7 or 8 things mentioned im doing well at.

However for negative feedback I was told I was too quiet and reserved and this was something I need to improve on. Thing that annoys me is that in our 40 minute meeting my manager spoke for about 15 minutes about the positive things and she spent the rest of the time talking on the negative point.

I was given a ranking in the bottom 5% for this category which I really feel I don’t deserve. This also wasn’t mentioned to me prior to my performance review.

Personally I do consider myself to be an extrovert, however I was in a team that was made up of middle aged people with heaps of experience and as this was my first job and coming in as a fresh grad I felt I wasn’t really supported in my role much and my opinion wasn’t really valued.

Any advice on how to overcome this?

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