
Performance reviews are SUCH fucking BULLSHIT

I know we all hate our jobs and that we all think our work is bullshit but I need to share the BS from my job because I think it’s legitimately outrageous and just demonstrates peak capitalist So I work help desk for a healthcare company. It’s a glorified call center job but I’m doing it so I can say I worked help desk for a year and can move on to something better. These are the requirements: I must have an average call time of five minutes. If it goes longer than that, I immediately have one or two of my leads message me on teams asking what the hold up is. Within these five minutes, I must also gather information from the caller (name, phone number, address) and try and troubleshoot the issue, and try and document and route tickets as best as I can. As you can…

I know we all hate our jobs and that we all think our work is bullshit but I need to share the BS from my job because I think it’s legitimately outrageous and just demonstrates peak capitalist

So I work help desk for a healthcare company. It’s a glorified call center job but I’m doing it so I can say I worked help desk for a year and can move on to something better. These are the requirements: I must have an average call time of five minutes. If it goes longer than that, I immediately have one or two of my leads message me on teams asking what the hold up is. Within these five minutes, I must also gather information from the caller (name, phone number, address) and try and troubleshoot the issue, and try and document and route tickets as best as I can.

As you can probably guess already- this is all impossible to do simultaneously. By the time I have all the basic info from the caller and they’ve described their issue we’re already at like, 4 minutes, which gives me one minute left.

Everyone bitches at me. Caller bitches I have to send out the ticket because I don’t have any time left. Leads bitch at me cuz I’m taking too long. IT crews bitch at me because the issue is easy to resolve or I misrouted or didn’t do x right. I’m rushed and expected to put out high quality shit.

Just had a performance review and they said “ your average time is 5:30 which is good but we need you to be under that. Also- your resolution rate is only 55%; we expect at minimum 70%”

“But also make sure you’re not rushing the caller and giving quality customer service and accurate ticketing”

We do these reports monthly. I think last month before I quit I’m going to confront them.

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