
Person orders 143 cans of waterloo only to cancel the order!!

So I work for a convenience store delivery company that delivers instore product to you. It's like other popular delivery apps but for stuff you'd find at a convenient store. We're well known in Pittsburgh and all across the northern and southern US. Today I got an order that blew my mind. I seriously had to refresh my scan to make sure I was seeing this right. 143 cans of waterloo. To clarify why this is crazy is that a big order for us is normally 10 to 20 items and that we don't sell these particular cans in 12 packs, no we sell them individually. I had to scan 143 F-ing cans!! It took me over 30 minutes to complete this order. Less then 5 minutes after I finished packing this order the customer canceled their order. Do you know what that means? I had to scan 143 F-ing…

So I work for a convenience store delivery company that delivers instore product to you. It's like other popular delivery apps but for stuff you'd find at a convenient store. We're well known in Pittsburgh and all across the northern and southern US.

Today I got an order that blew my mind. I seriously had to refresh my scan to make sure I was seeing this right. 143 cans of waterloo. To clarify why this is crazy is that a big order for us is normally 10 to 20 items and that we don't sell these particular cans in 12 packs, no we sell them individually. I had to scan 143 F-ing cans!! It took me over 30 minutes to complete this order. Less then 5 minutes after I finished packing this order the customer canceled their order. Do you know what that means? I had to scan 143 F-ing cans back into our system!!! Which took another 30 F-ing minutes to do!!! An hour of my life I will never get back!!

Whoever ordered them are now officially on my crap list. I swear if I have to look at another can of that tasteless crap I'll scream!!

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