
Ph Setting: Sick Leave today? Make sure to bring a medcert tomorrow.

Posting this because of a content i just saw in Tiktok. ~~ This is probably one of the worst company policies out there. If you wake up sick that day and decided to take a sick leave for one day, your manager is expecting you to bring a med.cert the next day you comes in. The problem is hospitals, even before Covid, always have long ques. Meaning, instead of just resting or sleeping at home, you have to spend 2-4 hours waiting at the hospital to be checked and get a med.cert. I'm okay with the med.cert if the real purpose is to check if you're okay. But no. We all know what it's for. It will just serve as a validation. Making sure that you didn't decided to skip work to get a tan or something. ~~ My previous company before i resigned actually had it changed when we…

Posting this because of a content i just saw in Tiktok.


This is probably one of the worst company policies out there.

If you wake up sick that day and decided to take a sick leave for one day, your manager is expecting you to bring a med.cert the next day you comes in.

The problem is hospitals, even before Covid, always have long ques. Meaning, instead of just resting or sleeping at home, you have to spend 2-4 hours waiting at the hospital to be checked and get a med.cert.

I'm okay with the med.cert if the real purpose is to check if you're okay. But no. We all know what it's for. It will just serve as a validation. Making sure that you didn't decided to skip work to get a tan or something.


My previous company before i resigned actually had it changed when we had a new Director. They will only require a med.cert if you were absent for 3 consecutive days. Otherwise, just rest at home.

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