
Phone Interviews?

Question for all of you. I’m a psychotherapist here in Australia. I’m just looking to supplement my income a bit as I’m married with two kids under two. I’m very happy in my job, but if I could squeeze 2 additional sessions a day 2/3 days a week, it would be helpful financially. I found a told that I could do Telehealth for $80-$215 an hour (AUD) and I applied for shits and giggles. I heard back the next day and set up an interview, a phone interview (). Ok, whatever. So the phone interview was set up at 1p on this Thursday. 1:20p came around and I emailed the guy. Nothing. 1:30p comes around and I finally get called. He “humbly” apologised and said that he was driving and he crossed a state in which the time zone changed and he didn’t set an alarm. So not only did…

Question for all of you. I’m a psychotherapist here in Australia. I’m just looking to supplement my income a bit as I’m married with two kids under two. I’m very happy in my job, but if I could squeeze 2 additional sessions a day 2/3 days a week, it would be helpful financially.

I found a told that I could do Telehealth for $80-$215 an hour (AUD) and I applied for shits and giggles. I heard back the next day and set up an interview, a phone interview ().

Ok, whatever. So the phone interview was set up at 1p on this Thursday. 1:20p came around and I emailed the guy. Nothing. 1:30p comes around and I finally get called. He “humbly” apologised and said that he was driving and he crossed a state in which the time zone changed and he didn’t set an alarm. So not only did he want to interview me by phone, but over the phone while was driving!?!? Then didn’t take into consideration the time difference.

I was disgusted by this and cancelled the meeting saying I had a session coming up. He said he was going to email me to reschedule, haven’t heard anything yet and don’t expect to. My tone wasn’t very nice to be honest. But I know for a fact if I showed up 30 mins late to interview in any capacity, I wouldn’t be hired. What do you guys think?

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