
Pick my battles? Okay.

I'm relatively new to the workforce, having graduated college in May of 2020. I've been told time and time again by managers, HR, and co-workers to learn how to pick my battles. However, it seems that not picking my battles has worked out quite well. Have gotten one extremely toxic senior engineer fired, one racist project manager demoted, 25% wage increase in two years, and HR to back down from their attempts to discriminate against my disability. I always advocate for my fellow coworkers and will speak out for them whenever I can. All of this while doing a kickass job and getting almost nothing but praise from my clients. Seems like I'm picking them quite well.

I'm relatively new to the workforce, having graduated college in May of 2020. I've been told time and time again by managers, HR, and co-workers to learn how to pick my battles. However, it seems that not picking my battles has worked out quite well.

Have gotten one extremely toxic senior engineer fired, one racist project manager demoted, 25% wage increase in two years, and HR to back down from their attempts to discriminate against my disability. I always advocate for my fellow coworkers and will speak out for them whenever I can. All of this while doing a kickass job and getting almost nothing but praise from my clients.

Seems like I'm picking them quite well.

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