
Picking the Collective Brain for a Labor Education Center Initiative

Hello comrades, I have the opportunity to meet with someone who has a hand in creating a Labor Education Center to support workers and workers rights. A few things I would like to see come out of this initiative are education about: -Wage theft- What is it and what steps can be taken to address wage theft? -The right to discuss wages. -FMLA, ADA & NLRA- What are they? What rights are you eligible for? How do you become eligible? What if you are not eligible for these protections? (Less than 1 yr @ employer, for ex.) -Employee Healthcare Plans & disability insurance- A comprehensive explanation of how to navigate those systems successfully. -Quiet Firing and Quiet Quitting (historical context of “to the letter”). -Unions benefits and protections, as well and historical context around strikes and the labor movement. -Citizens United, Trans Am vs Maddin, Thedacare vs Ascension, and other…

Hello comrades,
I have the opportunity to meet with someone who has a hand in creating a Labor Education Center to support workers and workers rights.

A few things I would like to see come out of this initiative are education about:

-Wage theft- What is it and what steps can be taken to address wage theft?

-The right to discuss wages.

-FMLA, ADA & NLRA- What are they? What rights are you eligible for? How do you become eligible? What if you are not eligible for these protections? (Less than 1 yr @ employer, for ex.)

-Employee Healthcare Plans & disability insurance- A comprehensive explanation of how to navigate those systems successfully.

-Quiet Firing and Quiet Quitting (historical context of “to the letter”).

-Unions benefits and protections, as well and historical context around strikes and the labor movement.

-Citizens United, Trans Am vs Maddin, Thedacare vs Ascension, and other court cases that contribute to labor conditions we’re subjected to.

Any other topics, themes or issues that this community would like to see included in a curriculum devoted to labor and workers rights?

Thank you so much for your input. And sorry for formatting, I’m on mobile.

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