
Planned to quit my job after my new boss took away all of my responsibilities, got a second interview for a job i really want!

My new boss was hired this time last year. While he is a generally chill person he is the type to avoid resolving things firsthand and wait for the solution to appear, while in the meantime me and another high performing worker suffers. Im second to him in leadership, and for a while I had a good thing going. I didnt ever want to be the general manager, but in the interim time of us waiting for another manager to be hired, me and my team were pretty peaceful. I was able to get everyone’s ideal schedules, solid KPI results, literally no more drama because we got rid of the bad eggs, main negative was that I was just a little tired and definitely worked OT. But nothing I hadnt seen or dealt with before. This guy comes along and wipes everything clean, slowly takes away all of my responsibilities…

My new boss was hired this time last year. While he is a generally chill person he is the type to avoid resolving things firsthand and wait for the solution to appear, while in the meantime me and another high performing worker suffers.
Im second to him in leadership, and for a while I had a good thing going. I didnt ever want to be the general manager, but in the interim time of us waiting for another manager to be hired, me and my team were pretty peaceful. I was able to get everyone’s ideal schedules, solid KPI results, literally no more drama because we got rid of the bad eggs, main negative was that I was just a little tired and definitely worked OT. But nothing I hadnt seen or dealt with before.

This guy comes along and wipes everything clean, slowly takes away all of my responsibilities because he also is a control freak. When people problems arise, he won’t let me do any feedback meetings with them. He took over scheduling and its not anyone’s preferred schedule, so people are now pissed for missing out on work-life balance that I was able to provide easily. He’s afraid to have hard conversations so our bad eggs just get worse. We have two problem workers who should be on probation, but he constantly wipes their records clean. Ive had conversations about our issues with a DL during a touchbase, and he is very much in agreement with me that we need to let go of these people. My boss wont even mention it to DL or HR, he seems really confused and scared. But im not fucking dealing with limpdickery anymore.

I am in the second interview for another job that i really want. Even if i dont get it, i have enough saved for 2 months of rent, and my husband’s job is steady and pays enough for us to live on. My body and mind just can’t take this nonsense anymore.

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