
planning overtime in advance to meet targets should be illegal

I work for a large manufacturing company in the UK and mandatory overtime is written into our contracts. this is, for the most part, only required if something goes wrong during a shift and we need the extra time to catch back time we lost however, the company will also plan the overtime months in advance because they want to increase the daily build total. I think this is bullshit. if you have to extend the standard workday to meet a MINIMUM build target then you’re simply adding too much and overworking your staff. it makes it worse knowing the higher ups who make these decisions won’t be staying a minute over their shift times. mandatory overtime should be illegal.

I work for a large manufacturing company in the UK and mandatory overtime is written into our contracts. this is, for the most part, only required if something goes wrong during a shift and we need the extra time to catch back time we lost

however, the company will also plan the overtime months in advance because they want to increase the daily build total. I think this is bullshit. if you have to extend the standard workday to meet a MINIMUM build target then you’re simply adding too much and overworking your staff. it makes it worse knowing the higher ups who make these decisions won’t be staying a minute over their shift times.

mandatory overtime should be illegal.

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