
Playing games with the owner.

Owner of this hole-in-the-wall lunch spot has been acting like an Jackass. Last minute schedule changes, asking me to come in on my day off because he’s short staffed and it’s >his day off, having me open the store, having me close up shop alone the same day, scheduling me so I have to do that three times in a row, acting like I’m dumb while simultaneously expecting me to run the kitchen etc. Straight up text them I’m not coming in. When I first interviewed with them, I let them know I left the last place because I was being taken advantage of. Not two months in and they’re already doing the same. They have no respect for me or any of the newer hires. Same goes for most of the older staff. I’ll see what’s up on my next shift. More than likely gonna do the bare minimum…

Owner of this hole-in-the-wall lunch spot has been acting like an Jackass. Last minute schedule changes, asking me to come in on my day off because he’s short staffed and it’s >his day off, having me open the store, having me close up shop alone the same day, scheduling me so I have to do that three times in a row, acting like I’m dumb while simultaneously expecting me to run the kitchen etc. Straight up text them I’m not coming in.
When I first interviewed with them, I let them know I left the last place because I was being taken advantage of. Not two months in and they’re already doing the same. They have no respect for me or any of the newer hires. Same goes for most of the older staff. I’ll see what’s up on my next shift. More than likely gonna do the bare minimum until I find another job.

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