
PLEASE HELP. Work took me off the schedule for tomorrow and is bringing HR in Wednesday for “issues brought up with other people”.

I called, tried to get some insight, so far nothing. I’ve contacted management and so far I’m at a stand still. I just truly don’t understand what’s going on. I asked if I was at risk of losing my job and they’re not at liberty to say. I don’t really understand what’s going on at this point. I was put on probation for tardiness a week ago and I have since so far corrected the issue, as well as time management. Literally what do I do besides put out new apps.

I called, tried to get some insight, so far nothing. I’ve contacted management and so far I’m at a stand still. I just truly don’t understand what’s going on. I asked if I was at risk of losing my job and they’re not at liberty to say. I don’t really understand what’s going on at this point. I was put on probation for tardiness a week ago and I have since so far corrected the issue, as well as time management.

Literally what do I do besides put out new apps.

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