
Please stand up for yourselves and each other – learn your rights & exercise them

First, I want to start off by acknowledging that young people in the US are some of the most exploited people in the workforce today. When we are young, most of us are just happy to have a job, but unfortunately we often do not know the full extent of our employment rights. Why would we? No one teaches us this shit in school. Schools want to produce good little capitalists and worker bees, not people who know and exercise their legal rights when they've been exploited. Although I have been working since I was 17 years old, I am no longer young. I am not Gen Z or technically even a Millennial. I was born at the tail end of Gen X. We were called the “Slacker” generation. And for most of my life this was very true of who I was. Most people my age are now married…

First, I want to start off by acknowledging that young people in the US are some of the most exploited people in the workforce today. When we are young, most of us are just happy to have a job, but unfortunately we often do not know the full extent of our employment rights. Why would we? No one teaches us this shit in school. Schools want to produce good little capitalists and worker bees, not people who know and exercise their legal rights when they've been exploited.

Although I have been working since I was 17 years old, I am no longer young. I am not Gen Z or technically even a Millennial. I was born at the tail end of Gen X. We were called the “Slacker” generation. And for most of my life this was very true of who I was. Most people my age are now married with kids and own houses. But that wasn't the path my life took at all. I have lived in poverty all of my life, both childhood and adulthood. Deciding to get a college degree in my early thirties was not the ticket out of poverty I was told it would be. It only drove me deeper into poverty due to massive student loan debt. Even with a college degree, I still found myself having to take low paying jobs just to survive. Many of the jobs I accepted over the years exploited me in various ways. I never fought back. Until today.

Obviously I can't go into the details of how I am currently fighting back legally because things are still pending. Whether I win or lose, I am grateful that I have finally gotten to a point in my life where I am no longer willing to allow people to exploit me or violate my rights in any way. I just wish more people would do the same, though I don't blame those who choose not to exercise their legal rights due to lack of knowledge. Many people simply don't know they even have rights.

If there is one thing I would like to impart to Gen Z, Millennials, or really any American worker out there right now, it is to please please please learn and exercise your employment rights. Look up your state's Labor Commissioner or the US Department of Labor websites if you have any doubts about whether or not what you are experiencing at work is legal. If it isn't, look into filling a complaint with either of those agencies, or seek out a lawyer willing to take your case. I was told “No” several times before finding the right lawyer who would take my case. Please don't let the “no's” deter you. Keep going. I now have an excellent lawyer on my side who is willing to fight for me. That is HUGE for me as someone who has never had anyone stand up and defend them. Ever. More often in life, I was used to looking up at the wheels of the bus, as I got thrown under it. I literally cried when I got off the phone with him today after learning that my case would be moving forward. However it all pans out, at least I can be proud that I had the self respect to stand up for myself this time. No more bullshit. No more fucks given.

Workers power this country, not CEO's and executives. Never forget. You are not disposable and you should never have to put up with exploitation or violations of your rights in order make a living. Don't ever let them make you feel powerless.

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