
Please Start Reporting Job Posting you see!!

Many companies are posting misleading or incorrect job ads. In example labeling a job as remote then saying in the description full-time ONSITE. Or companies posting job ads then they have broken links to the actual job application (keep seeing this on LinkedIn). Another thing Ive seen is companies that are blatantly discriminating in the job description/requirements. Ive started to report these job postings and you should as well. Especially report jobs that are clearly scams. This will maybe hold companies accountable for their shitty HR practices.

Many companies are posting misleading or incorrect job ads. In example labeling a job as remote then saying in the description full-time ONSITE. Or companies posting job ads then they have broken links to the actual job application (keep seeing this on LinkedIn).

Another thing Ive seen is companies that are blatantly discriminating in the job description/requirements.

Ive started to report these job postings and you should as well. Especially report jobs that are clearly scams.

This will maybe hold companies accountable for their shitty HR practices.

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