
Please stop trying to scam the Walmart cashiers

I'm sick of it. I live in small town with little to no job opportunities. It took me 3 years to get a Walmart cashier job. You're not “sticking it to the man” or “scamming big companies”; you're only getting cashiers fired. I've only been working here for 12 days, and I have been scammed and attempted to be scammed. I've had people try to Quick Change me. It's when people will start taking items out of the scanned bags, get angry, and say that you did it wrong and they want to rearrange it. Then they start asking for things unscanned off the belt to put in the bags (ex. “This has vegetables in it. Hand me that lettuce over there so I can put it in). After they get free stuff, they try to confuse you even more by talking nonsense, and if there's more than one of…

I'm sick of it. I live in small town with little to no job opportunities. It took me 3 years to get a Walmart cashier job. You're not “sticking it to the man” or “scamming big companies”; you're only getting cashiers fired.

I've only been working here for 12 days, and I have been scammed and attempted to be scammed.

I've had people try to Quick Change me. It's when people will start taking items out of the scanned bags, get angry, and say that you did it wrong and they want to rearrange it. Then they start asking for things unscanned off the belt to put in the bags (ex. “This has vegetables in it. Hand me that lettuce over there so I can put it in). After they get free stuff, they try to confuse you even more by talking nonsense, and if there's more than one of them, they'll try to talk to you at the same time. Then when you get their change out, they start saying they want their change in a different way (like you try to give them a $20 and they say they want four $5s instead). They try to make you mess up so they can get free groceries and leave with more money than they came in with. Luckily this did not work with me because I can't multitask and therefore cannot listen to their nonsense or their stupid instructions.

I have had a guy go through to try to get $1400 from my register, all of it $20s. He bought $16 worth of stuff and gave me a $100 bill. While I was checking it, he took it out of my hands and said that I didn't want that bill because it was “old” and that I wanted a new bill. He hands me a new $100 bill, and it's real, so I don't really care and give him his change back. After the transaction was over, he said he had $1400 in $100s and that he wanted them broken. I said I couldn't do that. He got angry and started cussing out Walmart and cursing how it wasn't fair and whatnot. He claimed he got the $1400 from the service desk and couldn't believe we wouldn't break it for him. He left, and later that day I talked to the service desk lady in the break room, and she said that the guy came in with the money (meaning she did not give it to him), and he had asked her to break it too. I can pretty much guarantee that money was either fake or dirty or both. Idk why so many people think Walmart works like a bank. Like, we don't even carry $10s, $50s, or $100s in the register. We don't carry that much. Plus we cannot physically open the registers if we do not have a sale; we can request to open the drawer but a Team Lead or mini supervisor will have to give to permission and punch in their code for it to unlock.

I've had people go through my line that will hide items. One lady was buying two glass figurines and only put one on the belt (which you can do as long as it is the exact same item including same color, flavor, size, etc and we can see exactly how many you have so we can quantify it – adding though we need to scan all items with chips or else or you will set off the alarm when you try to leave). Well, this lady only put one figurine on the belt and had her husband hand her bags to wrap the second figurine in. She said she wanted to hold it because she had tried to buy them before but the previous cashier broke them. I scanned the first one and asked to see the second one just to make sure it was the same and I could scan the first item twice. She started arguing with me that it wasn't fair and that she didn't want me to see it because I'll break it and that they were the same price so it doesn't matter. Eventually her husband got fed up and had her unwrap it. It was not the same figurine. I had to scan it against her wishes, and she left the store very angry.

I didn't see it myself, but one of my Team Leads once told me that some people were going to registers with “money certificates” and we're asking for their prize money. She said that we did not have money certificates and we're to never give them money.

I've had people stop me while I'm checking out and insist that the item I scanned was priced wrong and I need to change it. Usually you can send a Team Lead to check the item in the store just to make sure, but one time I was stupid and three different people in an hour were trying to buy $5 folders and said they were supposed to be $3. They even showed me pictures of a sign saying they were on sale. With picture evidence and the fact that back-to-school was over so folders and whatnot were probably on rollback, I went and overid them. Well, one of my higher ups heard and gave me a talking to saying that I can never trust a picture and that they were pretty sure the only office item on a clearance was a $1.50 notebook and not those folders. I'm not completely sure I was scammed though because the higher up wasn't completely sure and I find it weird that three different people would have the same issue.

Anyway, Walmart keeps cameras on at the registers and will fire you if you get scammed badly or scammed multiple times. It's no skin off their nose. You're only hurting the people working there, so chill out. Thank you.

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