
Please stop trying to sell me the idea that a workplace “family” is going to make up for how little you’re going to pay me

I recently got a position as a substance abuse counselor for a local mental health facility. They don’t pay great. Before the interview the supervisor does meet & greets with potential employees to talk through the position and see if they’re a good fit. Part of her spiel is that since we’re a nonprofit, we are doing our job because we love our field and not because we want to get paid well. Why on earth can we not have both? Why should I not be able to afford my own place to live and have a job I’m passionate about. It’s hard for me not to interrupt every time I hear her. I feel a lot of pressure because I’m the only counselor hired so far but I also just did an interview for another position with WAY better pay and benefits and I’m hoping I hear back from…

I recently got a position as a substance abuse counselor for a local mental health facility. They don’t pay great. Before the interview the supervisor does meet & greets with potential employees to talk through the position and see if they’re a good fit. Part of her spiel is that since we’re a nonprofit, we are doing our job because we love our field and not because we want to get paid well. Why on earth can we not have both? Why should I not be able to afford my own place to live and have a job I’m passionate about. It’s hard for me not to interrupt every time I hear her. I feel a lot of pressure because I’m the only counselor hired so far but I also just did an interview for another position with WAY better pay and benefits and I’m hoping I hear back from them soon.

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