
Pointers on exit strategy? Received termination notice during medical leave

Seeking advice about how to respond to my first potential termination notice. I'm in my last month of a 6-month medical leave from this job (school aide, and my first job) that exacerbated some mental health issues after recovering from a medical procedure (I had a medical procedure in Sept 2021, took 4 weeks to recover, returned to work to find my regular case was reassigned without my notice, tried different assignments across the city for 2 weeks until my mental health couldn't take it anymore so my doc wrote me an off-work note for a 6-month medical leave.) I'm not FMLA or PLF protected as the job is 35 hrs/wk and not 40. I qualified for disability so I've been receiving that. Ever since submitting my doctor's note for medical leave, to some comfort albeit confusion, the company left me alone and communication expectations weren't clearly established and so…

Seeking advice about how to respond to my first potential termination notice.

I'm in my last month of a 6-month medical leave from this job (school aide, and my first job) that exacerbated some mental health issues after recovering from a medical procedure (I had a medical procedure in Sept 2021, took 4 weeks to recover, returned to work to find my regular case was reassigned without my notice, tried different assignments across the city for 2 weeks until my mental health couldn't take it anymore so my doc wrote me an off-work note for a 6-month medical leave.) I'm not FMLA or PLF protected as the job is 35 hrs/wk and not 40. I qualified for disability so I've been receiving that.

Ever since submitting my doctor's note for medical leave, to some comfort albeit confusion, the company left me alone and communication expectations weren't clearly established and so they faltered. There admittedly have been times they called and I didn't pick up because 1) I don't know how to have a conversation about going back while feeling dread at the thought of it 2) Not sure how to navigate work-life boundaries while on medical leave. In retrospect with a healthier state of mind, I could've inquired about those calls.

I still receive company-wide emails, and it's about that time for benefit renewals. So I signed up for Tuesday's time slot for that. Now that I'm back in their awareness, HR sent this email asking to call back by Monday or I may face termination:

We have been trying to reach you for several months and have not received any call backs however i see that you have replied to attend the meeting next week for benefits. I need to talk to you about your benefits and your employment with us.

Can you please call me by Monday April the 11th?

If we do not hear from you, we may have to terminate your employment with us. I am really hoping that it does not come to that as we really want to work with you, but we need to have communication.

It actually feels relieving to see the word “terminate.” I have a promising summer job lined up, and am working on submitting my resumes to barista jobs as that was the kind of job I had and enjoyed before this one. Any pointers on how to talk to HR about continuing (not likely. I would consider part time, but I had a taste of it and the work lifestyle is worse) or ending the relationship?

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