
Popular Chain “French” Bakery Disrespects Staff

My brother(21m) until today, used to work in one of a popular chain’s corporate stores. They would frequently change his schedule and ask him to come in on his days off and he would always cave. He tells me they were very persistent. Very recently someone who owns some of the chain’s franchise stores bought out his store. Suddenly 6/10 of his coworkers have either “quit”, were fired, or were transferred out to a different borough. (Who in their right mind would transfer to a store in a different borough of NY for minimum wage???) The guy who bought out the store brought a bunch of his guys from his other locations to “help set up”. I have serious health issues and I had the chance to go out with him and my father on Wednesday. My brother usually works the weekend and they just straight up gave his weekend…

My brother(21m) until today, used to work in one of a popular chain’s corporate stores. They would frequently change his schedule and ask him to come in on his days off and he would always cave. He tells me they were very persistent.

Very recently someone who owns some of the chain’s franchise stores bought out his store. Suddenly 6/10 of his coworkers have either “quit”, were fired, or were transferred out to a different borough. (Who in their right mind would transfer to a store in a different borough of NY for minimum wage???) The guy who bought out the store brought a bunch of his guys from his other locations to “help set up”.

I have serious health issues and I had the chance to go out with him and my father on Wednesday. My brother usually works the weekend and they just straight up gave his weekend shifts to someone else that came with the new boss and told my brother to come in on Wednesday and Thursday with practically no notice. My dufus brother went along with it and I didn’t get to see him.

I wake up today and he tells me he was fired yesterday for being “too slow” and not up to the new boss’ standards. My fiancé tells me he is faster than the other cashiers when she goes in.

They made his ass come in on his day off, made him lose a scheduled day and then fired him when he completed the shifts… literally chewed up and spit out. Fuck the Paris Baguette on Northern Blvd

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