
Possibility to be fired for not being a doormat to an asshole customer

This will be kinda long I deliver pizza. It’s an easy job but you have the pleasure of dealing with a random selection of the general public, some are incredibly nice and some are the total opposite end of the spectrum. The woman I delivered to tonight was the nastiest person I’ve ever come across. We close at 9pm, she calls at 8:35pm with a smallish order, no problem for the cooks. They make it, I bring it over and her apartment is in this old Victorian style house. There were no numbers or apt letter anywhere so I call her and ask her to come out and meet me as I’m not comfortable going into this place. She immediately blows up with “well I ordered delivery so YOU should be able to figure it out” and hung up. I call her back and tell her if she doesn’t help…

This will be kinda long

I deliver pizza. It’s an easy job but you have the pleasure of dealing with a random selection of the general public, some are incredibly nice and some are the total opposite end of the spectrum.

The woman I delivered to tonight was the nastiest person I’ve ever come across. We close at 9pm, she calls at 8:35pm with a smallish order, no problem for the cooks. They make it, I bring it over and her apartment is in this old Victorian style house.

There were no numbers or apt letter anywhere so I call her and ask her to come out and meet me as I’m not comfortable going into this place. She immediately blows up with “well I ordered delivery so YOU should be able to figure it out” and hung up.

I call her back and tell her if she doesn’t help me find it I can’t deliver her food as I have no clue where I’m going in this place. She condescendingly guides me in a very slow voice like she’s talking to a child. I eventually find it and she’s on the second floor with her doorway is right at the top of the stairs.

She comes out and goes “fucking finally only took you so long”
She then proceeded to throw her $37 on the steps for food. Her order was $36.80. I pick up the money, count it and say “oh nice no tip, thanks. Don’t call here anymore.” In the most deadpan voice I got

Her: “You’re a fucking asshole”

Me: “Good I hope you think so”

I know people are fucking nuts and most of the time I can just stfu and not let it bother me and up to that point I was fine. I turn around going to leave and as I’m halfway down the stairs she yells

“well you’re a nasty fucking asshole aren’t you”

And I said “yeah well you’re a nasty fucking c**t” and just walked out down the hall.

Didn’t even mean to say it but I did and now I just gotta deal with what ever she decides to tell my bosses. Might get fired, might not. I don’t really fucking care. If they’re not gonna stand behind me then fuck them. I’ll find something better.

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