
Possible FMLA violation?

A little backstory: My father had liver and kidney failure, and has needed help dealing with appointments and medication. I applied for FMLA last year with no issues. This year he received a new liver and kidney, and I have continued to use FMLA during and after the transplant to support and help my father with whatever he needs. This is intermittent leave. Fast forward to now and I get my annual review at work. In the negative section it mentions problems with managing my leave and my leave requiring other workers to pick up the slack. These reviews are requested by other employers within the government when applying for a job, so now they will all see this. My question is: can these comments legally even be made, since my leave was FMLA, and any non-FMLA leave I took was my earned and approved vacation/sick time. EDIT: Should have…

A little backstory: My father had liver and kidney failure, and has needed help dealing with appointments and medication. I applied for FMLA last year with no issues. This year he received a new liver and kidney, and I have continued to use FMLA during and after the transplant to support and help my father with whatever he needs. This is intermittent leave.

Fast forward to now and I get my annual review at work. In the negative section it mentions problems with managing my leave and my leave requiring other workers to pick up the slack. These reviews are requested by other employers within the government when applying for a job, so now they will all see this.

My question is: can these comments legally even be made, since my leave was FMLA, and any non-FMLA leave I took was my earned and approved vacation/sick time.

EDIT: Should have mentioned I have contacted my HR and they say there is no recourse for them to change the EPR, which is odd since they approve or deny all EPR's. I also contacted my union rep, but haven't gotten anywhere there either.

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