
Possible termination

I am working a part time retail job. The other day, I was pushing a pallet of feed out of the way in our warehouse using a manual pallet jack. Once of my co workers, we will call him Jack, might be getting me written up/terminated. While I was pushing the pallet of feed, Jack decided to jump on it and sit on it. I repeatedly told him to get off, which he wouldn't listen. So I kept pushing the pallet. I got spoken to by one of the assistant managers that the store manager might talk to me. I'm very worried it will possibly result in me getting fired. There's no way to back up my word, due to there not being cameras in that zone. I feel I shouldn't get punished for something that's out of my control. I was just trying to do my job.

I am working a part time retail job. The other day, I was pushing a pallet of feed out of the way in our warehouse using a manual pallet jack. Once of my co workers, we will call him Jack, might be getting me written up/terminated. While I was pushing the pallet of feed, Jack decided to jump on it and sit on it. I repeatedly told him to get off, which he wouldn't listen. So I kept pushing the pallet. I got spoken to by one of the assistant managers that the store manager might talk to me. I'm very worried it will possibly result in me getting fired. There's no way to back up my word, due to there not being cameras in that zone. I feel I shouldn't get punished for something that's out of my control. I was just trying to do my job.

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