
Possible wage theft, need help

I'm at my job currently and on my phone so sorry for formatting issues. I work carry out at a restaurant and my shift is 4pm to 8pm. I get my tip money at the end of the night by asking the owner for money. He gives it to me, I write down the amount, and then the restaurant reimburses the owner. I can't leave until he gives me my tip money. I'm supposed to be done at 8pm, however whenever I ask for money, the owner often ignores me and makes me wait. Sometimes I'm here until 8:30pm, sometimes I'm here until 9pm. I am not compensated on my paycheck for this time spent waiting. Often, people still call for carryout and I'm then forced to take the orders. I am angry because he doesn't respect myself or my time. On top of that, I am doing work for…

I'm at my job currently and on my phone so sorry for formatting issues.

I work carry out at a restaurant and my shift is 4pm to 8pm. I get my tip money at the end of the night by asking the owner for money. He gives it to me, I write down the amount, and then the restaurant reimburses the owner. I can't leave until he gives me my tip money. I'm supposed to be done at 8pm, however whenever I ask for money, the owner often ignores me and makes me wait. Sometimes I'm here until 8:30pm, sometimes I'm here until 9pm. I am not compensated on my paycheck for this time spent waiting. Often, people still call for carryout and I'm then forced to take the orders.

I am angry because he doesn't respect myself or my time. On top of that, I am doing work for no pay. Sure, sometimes I make more tips for the extra orders, however my paycheck does not represent the time I'm here. Do I have a case for wage theft?

Thanks for any help, I appreciate it.

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