
Post Office Nightmare.

I just started at the local post office and it is a hell beyond comprehension. Yesterday me and my co worker were out in 30 below zero windchill weather shoveling snow for an hour and a half. I went home, cranked up the heat in my place. It took two hours of huddling under three blankets to warm up and stop shivering, I think I may have had hypothermia. My supervisor then proceeded to call me THREE TIMES that same day after I got home about an issue he could have easily solved himself. He also texted me multiple times. Today I literally had three people come at me at the same time about the same issue. I was completely overwhelmed. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I walked out with my supervisor shouting the same question at me over and over. I just ignored…

I just started at the local post office and it is a hell beyond comprehension. Yesterday me and my co worker were out in 30 below zero windchill weather shoveling snow for an hour and a half. I went home, cranked up the heat in my place. It took two hours of huddling under three blankets to warm up and stop shivering, I think I may have had hypothermia. My supervisor then proceeded to call me THREE TIMES that same day after I got home about an issue he could have easily solved himself. He also texted me multiple times. Today I literally had three people come at me at the same time about the same issue. I was completely overwhelmed. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I walked out with my supervisor shouting the same question at me over and over. I just ignored him. This is only yesterday and today, it has been awful like this from the beginning. My question is: should I stay and becone such a pain in the ass that they fire me so I can collect unemployment or should I just walk off my job and give them all the finger?

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