
post-resignation purgatory

I kind of need some validation with this one, but also curious to hear your anecdotes as well. I'm feeling disappointed. I work at a private school, my boss is the owner. He seemed like a decent guy. He was generally nice and accommodating. I have been a star teacher–hardworking and (generally) well-liked by both students and co-workers. I feel passionate about teaching, and put effort into my job because it felt like a decent environment. I am going through some life changes and want to move back closer to family and friends. So, instead of finishing my contract, I told him I wanted to leave when the school year ends. This is because my contract ends in the middle of the NEXT school year (I replaced someone that quit mid-year). I had already completed one (contract) year, so this means I would be leaving at 6 months into my…

I kind of need some validation with this one, but also curious to hear your anecdotes as well.

I'm feeling disappointed. I work at a private school, my boss is the owner. He seemed like a decent guy. He was generally nice and accommodating. I have been a star teacher–hardworking and (generally) well-liked by both students and co-workers. I feel passionate about teaching, and put effort into my job because it felt like a decent environment.

I am going through some life changes and want to move back closer to family and friends. So, instead of finishing my contract, I told him I wanted to leave when the school year ends. This is because my contract ends in the middle of the NEXT school year (I replaced someone that quit mid-year). I had already completed one (contract) year, so this means I would be leaving at 6 months into my second (contract) year.

I was thinking this would be a good thing because I will be finishing my duties, finish out the academic year, and my boss can hire someone fresh for the new school year. Honestly, this is the best thing for the students, and it suits me well to leave early. It's even good for him because it's easier to find a new teacher at the beginning of a school year versus mid-year. I (foolishly) even offered to stay on a bit and help with orientation of the new teacher. BUT, since talking to my boss, he has completely changed. Seems like the “nice guy” was just an act to manipulate and get me to sign that second contract.

I am left feeling disappointed, foolish and demotivated by all of this. His first strategy in the meeting was to gaslight me. Then, he tried to question and counter attack my reasons for leaving. After all this, I really see there wasn't an ounce of decency; it was always about money all along. He's only concerned about the recruitment costs and paying out bonuses that are legally entitled in my country. He even told me in the meeting that he “doesn't like kids”. Now, he's giving the “silent treatment”.

How can people behave like this? Why do they take it personal when you resign? And what's with people that can lead a “double-life” like this, so to speak? I mean, he's a loving principal outwardly, but secretly tells me he hates kids. How can someone who only cares about money get into education?

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