
Posted on here the other day about my manager gaslighting me…she’s taken it a step further and is now telling higher ups I want two days off a week because I can’t handle my patient

First of all, as a manager why the fuck would you bite the hand that feeds?! I work in a very behavioral group home and I am willing to work 16 hours days. Staff straight up do not want to work here and I help as much as possible. They weren’t giving me two days off so I straight up told the manager I need two days off a week as my hiring agreement states. She agreed. On Friday, she tried to gaslight me into coming in early on Saturday by saying I read the schedule wrong. I caught her in a huge lie and she backtracked. Now, I am getting calls from my program specialist asking why I requested “extra time off” because I need a break from a patient as per that same manager. I told her first of all, I’m supposed to have two days off I…

First of all, as a manager why the fuck would you bite the hand that feeds?! I work in a very behavioral group home and I am willing to work 16 hours days. Staff straight up do not want to work here and I help as much as possible. They weren’t giving me two days off so I straight up told the manager I need two days off a week as my hiring agreement states. She agreed. On Friday, she tried to gaslight me into coming in early on Saturday by saying I read the schedule wrong. I caught her in a huge lie and she backtracked.

Now, I am getting calls from my program specialist asking why I requested “extra time off” because I need a break from a patient as per that same manager. I told her first of all, I’m supposed to have two days off I just haven’t been getting them. Second of all, the reason I need a second day off isn’t directly BECAUSE of the patient it’s because I need to be at my most compassionate when I am here. I cannot be when I’m exhausted. The program specialist told me she completely understands and the manager made it sound completely different.

I am livid. That manager is getting NO help from me in the future. Trying to throw me under the bus because I know I can’t be the best possible caregiver if I’m exhausted? Despicable. I could spit I am so mad.

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