
Potential bait & switch?

So, I was unceremoniously thrust back into the job seeking world two months ago, which is a whole other story entirely. After going on at least 10 interviews, I finally land a non-profit job (I have non-profit experience and a Bachelors). Now, when I applied, the salary range was $38k to $56k on Indeed, but they offered me $36k. When I went back onto the listing I applied for, it showed $35k to $37k. I really don't remember it being that low. But, after 2 months, I needed something (I am also in graduate school for non-profit admin). I tried negotiating up, as I have a 4 year old and a mortgage, but was only able to get to $38k. I accepted it, begrudgingly. Today, just on a hunch, I went and searched back on Indeed for the listing, and lo and behold, the exact same job that I got…

So, I was unceremoniously thrust back into the job seeking world two months ago, which is a whole other story entirely. After going on at least 10 interviews, I finally land a non-profit job (I have non-profit experience and a Bachelors). Now, when I applied, the salary range was $38k to $56k on Indeed, but they offered me $36k. When I went back onto the listing I applied for, it showed $35k to $37k. I really don't remember it being that low. But, after 2 months, I needed something (I am also in graduate school for non-profit admin). I tried negotiating up, as I have a 4 year old and a mortgage, but was only able to get to $38k. I accepted it, begrudgingly. Today, just on a hunch, I went and searched back on Indeed for the listing, and lo and behold, the exact same job that I got hired on for is back on Indeed with the salary range of $38k to $56k. I don't know what to do about this. I have another job offer lined up, but it's not a non-profit job. Should I mention this to them or just let it go? If the job goes up to $56k, and only requires a Bachelors, how was I on the very end of the range, with a BA and 2 years non-profit experience?

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