
potential employee was denied a job because he wanted a livable wage.

Wanted $26hr to be a landscaper in charge of 60acres every day. They offered him $16.68hr and he walked out before the interview was over. I was promised $30 to be their irrigation tech but once hired , my checks equal $17.26hr. After taxes , parking , and “benefits”. I'm waiting till the weather warms up , and then I'm getting a private sector job that pays more. My employer is a goddam joke and has a 100% turnover about every 6 years. People who sit at a desk all fucking year get paid 3xs what we do and we have to be outside in all weather while being watched by security and cctv cameras and getting harassed by homeless people. I will not give a notice when I quit.

Wanted $26hr to be a landscaper in charge of 60acres every day. They offered him $16.68hr and he walked out before the interview was over. I was promised $30 to be their irrigation tech but once hired , my checks equal $17.26hr. After taxes , parking , and “benefits”. I'm waiting till the weather warms up , and then I'm getting a private sector job that pays more. My employer is a goddam joke and has a 100% turnover about every 6 years. People who sit at a desk all fucking year get paid 3xs what we do and we have to be outside in all weather while being watched by security and cctv cameras and getting harassed by homeless people. I will not give a notice when I quit.

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