
power outage

Anyone else ever have to stick around at work for several hours even though the power is out? I am a second shift custodian at a school. The power went out because of the heavy winds in my area. It went out before I even got to work. We had a backup generator, but it only provided those dim floodlights in the hallways and bathrooms. No lights in any classrooms, and no power outlets worked. Since I work second shift at night, there was no daylight to provide any additional light. So, it's fucking dark here and my job is to clean…. Yeah I can't really clean in the dark or with very dim lighting. So my work partner and I kind of did the best we could in the lit areas, then once that was done we decided to text our boss to see about going home. The school…

Anyone else ever have to stick around at work for several hours even though the power is out? I am a second shift custodian at a school. The power went out because of the heavy winds in my area. It went out before I even got to work. We had a backup generator, but it only provided those dim floodlights in the hallways and bathrooms. No lights in any classrooms, and no power outlets worked. Since I work second shift at night, there was no daylight to provide any additional light. So, it's fucking dark here and my job is to clean…. Yeah I can't really clean in the dark or with very dim lighting. So my work partner and I kind of did the best we could in the lit areas, then once that was done we decided to text our boss to see about going home. The school district provides “calamity day” pay for stuff like power outages or weather related days off. My boss said no! He said, “Just try to hang in there while they work on getting the power back on. Just do the best you can tonight.” The fuck?! The best I can do is “nothing”. There is no light. There is no power. No outlets work. Like, what the fuck? So for my 8 hour shift, I did maybe 2 or 3 hours of half-assed shoddy work because I was told to “do my best”. The rest of the time, I sat around in the dark waiting for the power to come back on. But gosh, squeezing 3 hours of work out of me and then paying me to sit around for 5 at work is still better than paying me to sit around at home for 8 full hours. They still got 3 hours worth of labor out of me tonight! Nevermind that I also sat around doing literally nothing for 5 hours. Totally worth it to the school district. I'm so irritated.

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