
Power to the Rank-and-File!

Join Will Lehman & other rank-and-file workers this Sunday at 2PM ET for the final Zoom event, as the UAW elections near their conclusion. Everywhere my campaign goes, we find growing support for my program of rank-and-file power – don't miss this important event! One Kentucky UAW auto worker recently told the WSWS, “I'm voting for Will because he is a socialist. He is for the workers!” Here is the link to register to the meeting.

Join Will Lehman & other rank-and-file workers this Sunday at 2PM ET for the final Zoom event, as the UAW elections near their conclusion. Everywhere my campaign goes, we find growing support for my program of rank-and-file power – don't miss this important event!

One Kentucky UAW auto worker recently told the WSWS, “I'm voting for Will because he is a socialist. He is for the workers!”

Here is the link to register to the meeting.

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