
Pre-Employment Medical Costs

As is commonplace in my industry, company paid for my pre-employment medical. But one over-zealous doctor wanted me to get more testing done, at my cost, in the form of: 1. Stress Echocardiogram because of a family history of heart problems. I am young, fit and have no heart problems myself but still get annual checks for peace of mind. 2. MRI on my wrist for an injury earlier this year that my previous employer cleared me to come back to work with. 3. Log from my CPAP machine. I've had sleep apnoea for a couple years and had more than one pre-employment for medical with sleep apnoea and no other doctor saw it as a problem. All these cost me $1000 all up and HR informed me they won't cover the cost of this. I'm tempted to talk to my direct report about this once I start, because there's…

As is commonplace in my industry, company paid for my pre-employment medical. But one over-zealous doctor wanted me to get more testing done, at my cost, in the form of:
1. Stress Echocardiogram because of a family history of heart problems. I am young, fit and have no heart problems myself but still get annual checks for peace of mind.
2. MRI on my wrist for an injury earlier this year that my previous employer cleared me to come back to work with.
3. Log from my CPAP machine. I've had sleep apnoea for a couple years and had more than one pre-employment for medical with sleep apnoea and no other doctor saw it as a problem.

All these cost me $1000 all up and HR informed me they won't cover the cost of this. I'm tempted to talk to my direct report about this once I start, because there's obese guys and people with decades of smoking that are getting their medicals passed without all this extra stuff.

I've met the team and a bunch of others who work there and they're all really nice and I'm looking forward to starting. Given the labour market, especially in my industry, I'm hoping that can play into my advantage to get that paid back. But if they refuse, I'm almost tempted to leave and put my CV back out there again, I've got full confidence I'd be able to get another job fairly quickly.

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