
Predator allowed at my workplace as a customer?

Title is a little weird, but let me explain. I work as a server at a restaurant located within a VERY large and fancy retirement home, so almost every single customer is a resident and an elder. I am 16F, and my fellow servers range anywhere from 15-20 years old, both men and women. There is one man who comes in frequently named Mr R. He is quite old, as they all are. Now most guests are lovely and a pleasure to serve, but Mr R had gotten in trouble multiple times for harassing and being predatorial towards any female servers (keep in mind we are pretty young). The companies response? Only let the boys serve him. I don’t know if I’m overreacting but I really don’t feel comfortable having this creepy guy dine here and interact with me and then have my bosses blow it off. Apparently they are…

Title is a little weird, but let me explain. I work as a server at a restaurant located within a VERY large and fancy retirement home, so almost every single customer is a resident and an elder. I am 16F, and my fellow servers range anywhere from 15-20 years old, both men and women.

There is one man who comes in frequently named Mr R. He is quite old, as they all are. Now most guests are lovely and a pleasure to serve, but Mr R had gotten in trouble multiple times for harassing and being predatorial towards any female servers (keep in mind we are pretty young). The companies response? Only let the boys serve him.

I don’t know if I’m overreacting but I really don’t feel comfortable having this creepy guy dine here and interact with me and then have my bosses blow it off. Apparently they are just waiting for him to eventually die and not even bother removing him from the restaurant. I haven’t personally experienced any issues with him yet because I don’t serve in his table area, but I’ve heard tons of stories and it’s very well known among coworkers; to the point where when I saw him eating alone on my first day and thought he looked lonely, one of the male servers led me away and told me he was bad to the ladies.

Is this weird? The job is otherwise pretty good so far (only been here like two weeks) but this seems to be a bit of a red flag.

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