
Pretty much committed job suicide today.

So I work for an automotive company (can't say which one, NDA). They pay hourly, decent pay, great benefits, etc. However we just got a new manager that doesn't know jack shit about cars, how they work, what kind of shenanigans working on them entails, or anything like that. She does have a crew of “leads” to dispatch work though. There's several things that bother me. Long story short, the metrics they want you to hit are constantly moving and difficult to hit. They want 3 cars per day and 6hours flagged. Sounds easy enough. But if you get 1 car with 7 hours, you miss productivity metrics. If you hit 5 cars but 4 hours, you also miss metrics. A lot of the times are quite unrealistic as well for anyone that isn't hopped up on red bull and steroids. I've had two cars come back since I started…

So I work for an automotive company (can't say which one, NDA). They pay hourly, decent pay, great benefits, etc. However we just got a new manager that doesn't know jack shit about cars, how they work, what kind of shenanigans working on them entails, or anything like that. She does have a crew of “leads” to dispatch work though.

There's several things that bother me. Long story short, the metrics they want you to hit are constantly moving and difficult to hit. They want 3 cars per day and 6hours flagged. Sounds easy enough. But if you get 1 car with 7 hours, you miss productivity metrics. If you hit 5 cars but 4 hours, you also miss metrics.

A lot of the times are quite unrealistic as well for anyone that isn't hopped up on red bull and steroids.

I've had two cars come back since I started there back in October. That's lower than any other person.

So my lead today at the end of my shift comes up and says I need to get my productivity metrics up. Today I happened to flag the most amount of hours but only got 2-ish cars done. A lot of times I'll diagnose the problem and the parts are 2 weeks out. One of those landed in my stall today.

Oh, and he also mentioned that I took too long on a job today. The job was suspension components + alignment, total time was like 4.5 hours and I did it it 2.5 hours. He told me “Oh yeah, those are supposed to be done in an hour and a half with the alignment. It makes up for the jobs we KNOW cant be done in the allotted time”.

The part where I committed job suicide was when he asked if I even like working here. This was after discussing certain frustrations I'm having. I straight up told him that I hate working on cars and the only reason I took the job was because it pays well. I also told him I cant work like a 20yr old or another coworker who is literally on steroids working at a hustle-hustle pace all day.

So yeah. My guess is they will either can me or put me in a position where I will can myself. We'll see come Monday.

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