
Pretty sure it is illegal?

I just found this sub and boy do I have a story for you. I worked for a state agency that has had mandatory overtime since covid kicked off a couple of years ago. I got Covid in January, turned my test results in… and they told me not to come back for 5 days. No problem. My regular schedule is 7 days of every two weeks. On the particular week i was due to return i was supposed to work wednesday and thursday, but wednesday was my 5th day of being off. I returned to work thursday feeling okay at first, but about half way through my shift i was feeling light headed and dizzy. I notified my supervisor and told them I would finish my shift but told them I would be calling my doctor from work to speak with him. Talked to my doctor that evening he…

I just found this sub and boy do I have a story for you. I worked for a state agency that has had mandatory overtime since covid kicked off a couple of years ago. I got Covid in January, turned my test results in… and they told me not to come back for 5 days. No problem.

My regular schedule is 7 days of every two weeks. On the particular week i was due to return i was supposed to work wednesday and thursday, but wednesday was my 5th day of being off. I returned to work thursday feeling okay at first, but about half way through my shift i was feeling light headed and dizzy. I notified my supervisor and told them I would finish my shift but told them I would be calling my doctor from work to speak with him.

Talked to my doctor that evening he said he wanted to see me next day. It usually would have been my day off, but instead… i had a “scheduled” mandatory overtime day.

I called the next morning to tell the supervisors that i wouldnt be able to make it to shift, 30 minutes prior to shift starting… as policy demands. The supervisors that were supposed to be there by 530 am were not there at 545 when i called… 550 when i called… or 555 when i called.

Instead the supervisors called me at 640am and asked me where i was. I responded and told them that I wouldnt be able to make it that day and i offered to make up that overtime day on another day. They threw a fit saying that they were 5 posts short and i was scheduled and i had to come in.

I told them i cant, and said i would get the doctor to get them a doctors note… and have a nice day.

Three days later, before being given the chance to provide a doctors note to any shift supervisor, i received a writeup for:
1. Not showing up to work
2. Not calling in
3. Rude or presumptuous manor of speaking
4. Refusing a direct order that is reasonable

And maybe one or two other things that i dont quite remember.

4 days after that I'm in the administrative supervisors office. I offer him evidence that I attempted several times to call in at the time dictated by policy. He refused this evidence. I stated that none of the supervisors were there and he neglects to acknowledge that ive said this, much less investigate to find out that its true… and insists that he see my doctors notes.

I asked my direct supervisor to send the documents to him that day.

After this a month goes by… and i assume its over… I even put in for a promotion. The day before my promotion interview im called into another office with another administrative supervisor who said hes going to do the “investigation” for my writeup.

He gathered no evidence. I offered the evidence of the call log, offered to have the doctors note sent to him as well. Even had the night shift supervisor willing to write a statement that the day shift supervisors showed up more than 30 minutes late.

This admin. Supervisor also ignored the evidence offered, and found me “guilty” of all of the “charges” i was being accused of.

I was recommended for suspension, and my writeup was sent back to the original admin supervisor for “review” where my punishment would be determined.

Ended up getting suspended for not showing up to a day of mandatory overtime when i called in when i was supposed to, had a valid medical reason that i couldnt show up… and offered to work another day to make up for that day.

I followed the employee appeal/grievance process and was given a day to attend an administrative review hearing….

They scheduled this day on a day when i was already scheduled for work. I was told by the employee grievance officer that i needed to go to work and notify my supervisors that i had that hearing and that i would be relieved to attend the hearing.

I notified my supervisors a week prior to this event and the day of the event… and the time for my administrative review hearing came and went… and i did not get relieved… i called the employee grievance officer and she stated that i missed my review hearing so my grievance wad dismissed… and theres nothing i can do about it.

Suffices to say… i dont work there anymore.

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